What does it mean to awaken?
Is it a peak experience that lasts forever? Is that even possible given the cyclic nature of life? Is it a steady state that one can maintain? Are there levels to it?
What are the life conditions that catalyze a peak experience and how can a person successfully navigate such an awakening, or series of awakenings?
Is awakening for the select few, or is it an experience that anyone can access? Are there different kinds of awakenings?
What roles do entheogens play in awakening?
Join us us to hear narratives about a transformative personal awakening catalyzed by ayahuasca, iboga, psilocybin, cannabis, personal growth workshops, breath work, trauma, addiction, tragedy, crisis, curiosity, or other life events and the impact they have had or are having upon the speaker’s life.
each presentation is 20 minutes+10 minute q&a